Discord is a great, easy-to-use benefit for fostering strong community bonds among your Playeur supporters. However, sometimes integration issues can arise. Our team has developed a troubleshooting guide to help you resolve common problems.
Playeur Bot Basics Before diving in, here are some key points about the Playeur Bot:
- If the Playeur bot is offline, no worries! It's still functioning but isn't actively assigning roles.
- Don't remove the Playeur Bot from Discord directly. Doing so can create problems with reconnecting and role assignment.
- The Playeur bot may experience delays on the 1st of the month, but it'll quickly update your active supporter list without any action required.
- If supporters have declined payments and lost access, the Playeur Bot will reassign their role after successful payment processing.
Is the Playeur bot above your tier roles?
Place the Playeur Bot above other roles to ensure proper role assignment. If it's lower on the list, role assignment issues may arise.
How to fix bot placement issues?
To fix placement issues, log in to Discord and move the Playeur bot above your other roles.
Check Playeur bot permissions When connecting Playeur and Discord, two permissions are enabled for the Playeur bot: managing roles and creating server invites. Ensure these permissions are enabled and unchanged.
If you've added extra permissions, disable them, as they may interfere with the integration.
Using a second bot on Discord?
Additional bots can sometimes disrupt the Playeur bot's role assignment function.
Check the following if you have another bot on your server:
- The Playeur bot has permission to create server invites and manage roles.
- The second bot isn't adding or removing any roles from the Playeur bot.
- The second bot isn't assigning any roles to the Playeur bot.
If necessary, remove the second bot temporarily to ensure proper Playeur bot functioning.
Checking a supporter's connection and access
If a supporter reports access issues, confirm their Discord account is connected to their Playeur account. They can do this by going to Settings > Connected Apps. If not connected, ask them to link their accounts.
Share our help center guide for Discord troubleshooting with supporters.
Check the supporter's tier level If a supporter is linked to Discord but experiencing issues, they may have increased their membership payment without selecting the correct tier. Ask them to join the appropriate tier to access the Discord role, and the Playeur Bot will update their server access automatically.
Is the supporter in over 100 Discord servers?
Discord's free version allows users to join up to 100 servers. If a supporter has reached this limit, they must upgrade to Discord Nitro (200 server limit) or leave another server before the Playeur bot can assign a role. Ask supporters to verify if they've joined over 100 servers.